Friday, February 14, 2014

Server Facebook Page

I have opened a Facebook page for our server to help two-way communications.

Link and/or Follow to keep up with server news and updates.  Post screenshots of your adventures, and share ideas of where you'd like us to take the server in the future.

Server Update: Multiworld Closed

Due to a slowdown in the terrain rendering while travelling, which I've notice ever since I added the Multiworld plugin, I will be temporarily disabling this plugin to see if it improved performance.

If the server runs better with it off, it will remain so except for special events that would require it:

  • Special Minigame Worlds
  • Adventure Maps
  • Quest Related Zones

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What... is your quest?

I have recently added a couple plugins that will allow for the addition of quests to the server.

I am still in the process of learning how to create quests with these plugins, so hang in there.

The intention will be for two ways of accepting quests:
1) Special NPCs will offer quests when you talk to them (right click)
2) Job boards to be located in pubs, adventure guilds, and signs.

NPCs that can offer quests will have an icon floating over their head to draw attention to themselves.

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Island

Another new world has appeared: Kamino

Use this as an Island Survival map, or claim it for your new homestead.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Server Update: Brave New Worlds

The first alternate world is open to everyone.  Type the command "/goto home" to visit this new world.

Personal inventories will pass with you from one world to another, as will your Enderchest Inventory, so you can keep squirreling away your hoard of treasures at home while transporting building materials from one world to another.
To return to the original world, you can use any recall method available (recall spell, map, or Chimaera Wing), or type the command "/goto qwerty".  I'm hoping to replace this with a good "Gate" system to connect the worlds soon.

NOTE: using the /goto command will always teleport you to the world's spawn location, so it's always a good idea to have your recall spell set your home base, as the Chimaera Wing and map will always take you back to the last place you slept.

If you encounter any issues with this, please let us know in game, by email, or leave a message here.

Minecraft Multiverse Testing

I will be testing a new Bukkit Plugin that will allow us to have multiple worlds.  However, this will require you to set your Minecraft launcher to launch you in Minecraft Version 1.7.2 in order to join the server.

I will post more once I finish testing and open up this plugin for general use.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Things To Come In Minecraft

Here are two videos of what is being worked on for the Minecraft 1.8: New Stone Blocks, Bouncy Block, Better (?) Villager Trades.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Post Update Screenshot

While exploring a new area, I found a desert pyramid in a taiga.  You will probably see a few instances of this throughout the newly opened areas.

Server Update: Now Running Bukkit 1.7.2

I have updated Bukkit and any plugins that were available to 1.7.x.

The worlds boarders have also been expanded, opening up new areas and biomes to be explored.  Before the update, I filled in the remaining areas of the map to prevent any glitches showing up in the unrendered areas.

If you find any bugs, please notify myself or Mikal.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Enchantment Changes

_Jeb posted on reddit today a screenshot and information on changes that they are planning to make to the vanilla enchanting in Minecraft.  Don't worry though, these changes won't be coming down the pipe for several months.

Hey hey
Time to revisit everyone's favorite subject again: Enchanting!
I don't want to go too deep into theorycrafting, so I'll simply explain what's going on in the screenshot. As you can see, enchanting items will now come with a resource cost in addition to enchantment levels. We're currently using gold ingots for this. Also, enchanting now separates requirements from costs, according to these rules:
The level requirement is calculated the same way as before. Max level is still 30
The cost is based on which enchantment power you choose (1 to 3)
One (randomly chosen) enchantment will be displayed in the tooltip
The random seed for enchantments is not reset until you enchant an item
Gaining enchantment levels have been made more expensive again, but you will not pay more than 3 levels when enchanting an item. Obviously repair costs in the anvil have been rebalanced to fit (notably renaming items only costs 1 level).
As always, work in progress. We'll begin snapshotting Minecraft 1.8 in January.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Christmas Screenshot

SuperSaijinKyle has set up a nice Christmas tree outside his residence in the western snowy taiga forest.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Landmark Spotlight: Shrine of Gorox

Tavern Lore: In the hills outside the village of Omyrth sits the Shrine of Gorox, an evil warlord that once lorded over these lands.  They say that great treasures rest within, but that they are guarded by Gorox’s fallen guards.